
This is the story of one of the glamorous and most continuously operating professional sports franchise in America. It's a story not only of great teams (The 2015 All City League Championship in Waukegan, the series aspirations of 2014, the 2013 amazing WHAT? Squad, The 03' Central Division Champs, the 2001 'Miracle'), great ballplayers (Cal Haley, Ralph Lozano, Kyle Risinger, Aaron Archibald, Ryan Siembal, Matt Cross and youngsters Brad Callahan, Drake Larriuz, Connor Fitzgerald, Chris DeRue, Tommy Dubicki along with past players the like of Danny Morales, Adam Tagli, Matt Boley, Bradley Daniel, Mike Gould, Thomas Wolfer, Joe Yonke, Matt Mitchell, Joey Ratliff, Ross Jensen, Adam Miller and Jonathan Schumacher), memorable coaches and pleasant tournaments, but also a story of heartbreaking losses and long pennant droughts.

It's the story of the WHAT? Men's Softball Club and their ancestors” Rebels, Anastasia's and the Go jo's” and their wanderings from mid America to Lake County. In a way, it's also the story of professional Men's Slow-Pitch Softball in the U.S.A.

In fact, the franchise that started as the Rebels baseball club in the 1990's and is now known as the WHAT? Men's Softball is the only one of today's 500 Rec-League softball franchises in Lake County IL, to have fielded a team every season without picking up any professional softball players since its existence.

Follow this overview for more of the rich, sometimes warped, always colorful and truly unique story of the WHAT? Men’s Softball Club and there Squads.